Scanlab Oy – Positively Pedantic

ScanLab is a versatile and high quality food and environmental service laboratory for municipalities, businesses and households. We provide laboratory and sampling services for food, water, housing and the environment. The laboratory is approved by Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto).

For your convenience we provide analysis results also in English.

Contact details

ScanLab Oy
Tutkijantie 4 F, 90590 Oulu

Postal address for samples
ScanLab Oy
Tutkijantie 4 F, 90590 Oulu

Mail address
ScanLab Oy

Tutkijantie 4 F, 90590 Oulu

Billing info
ScanLab Oy
26712321, PL 100, 80020 Kollektor Scan
e-invoicing: 033 726 712 321
operator: Maventa
operator id:003 721 291 126

E-mail and phone
Orders: 044 703 6755 (weekdays 8 AM –4 PM)

Direct number to the laboratory:
044 703 6743
CEO / Microbiologist: 044 703 6740,